The air curtain cabinet fruit market development, many small fruit stalls are basically not preservation equipment, mainly lies in the cost control. Especially during the rapid development of the fruit industry in recent years, some merchants will vigorously promote the upgrading and upgrading of the storefront and upgrade the storefront. Deep integration of the current popular fruit wind curtain cabinet, and vigorously develop the high-end direction. Especially in the strategic goal of the chain fruit store, the demand for the fruit wind curtain cabinet is very large, and it transforms to the high end fresh direction.
As the necessary equipment for manufacturing high-grade fresh cold chain based profile or vegetable shop, air curtain cabinet is an important part of the super fruit industry and equipment, but also to achieve the integration of the two important carrier depth, not only in the implementation of green fruit air curtain cabinet design, production process, air curtain and fruit the production of products should also be efficient environmental innovation. It should be considered from the design stage to make the fruit windscreen product have good remanufacturing performance.
The implementation of air curtain cabinet green fruit development, emphasis from many aspects, the first is the fruit of air curtain cabinet second, green design, personalized with chain brand culture products, fruit third, air curtain again manufacturing and utilization, fourth, fruit air curtain intelligent direction of development. The green design of the fruit wind curtain cabinet is considered from the safe and hygienic direction of the food.
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